Who Is Carδamo?

Your Next Queer

Cardamon Rozzi, AKA Carδamo, is the industry’s long awaited answer to the question: “How do we make music so ugly it’s sexy?”. Carδamo is an all-in-one artist that takes from their experiences to create a sonic mosaic. Their Debut Album


is a 12 track diary entry from the multiple perspectives of a mentally haunted “they-dy” with a taste for absurdism and homo-erotic proclivities.

Come Find Me…

Inspired by PC Music and the Underground Alt-Electronic scene, Carδamo seeks to bridge the gap between “Experimental” and “Pop” Music.

To create an ether so palpable that no-one can help but “feel”. This is to confront one’s emotions head-on and pull out a sculpture from the wreckage.

Trauma and Anguish play important roles in Carδamo’s artistry, but so do Joy and Liberation. Art should be the truest form of expression, and in order for this art to be beautiful, the emotions engaged need to be powerful.

Gender and Sexuality are to be explored, and therefore ‘ANDROGENISE’ as a documentation of self-discovery is Carδamo’s legacy. Find yourself, whatever it takes.

In The Beginning…

One day a young Cardamon picked up a Violin. Years later, after bleeding the classical world dry of inspiration, they decided to look for more.

Jazz became a love-affair between order and disorder, which was only to be exacerbated as time progressed. Flirting with rules and breaking them like hearts, Cardamon toyed with the immorality of disordinance.

Soon afterwards, they discovered Noise. Acousmaticism. Indeterminism. New ways to perceive the creative process, and new ways to generate inspiration.

Now a fully equipped practitioner, Carδamo allows themself the space to fail, learn, recover and create with unquestioned liberty. They are governed only, in turbulent acquiescence, by the intangibility of art.